Shopping in Belize

When going on vacation everyone will reach out and say bring me something back. Traveling is fun especially if you’re taking a cruise going to several different destinations. Pulling into the different ports of a cruise is exciting as you don’t know what adventure awaits you on the island or the different trinkets you can pick up. 

Visiting the port of Belize we had the opportunity to stroll around the island visiting each shop looking at different items. It was amazing seeing the different items for sale from the Mayan Baskets, to the rich Belizean Chocolate that comes in many flavors as it melts in your mouth. 

For the Rum lovers you will find plenty of it in Belize as it is very popular in a variety of flavors. The best part is you can grab a couple of bottles and bring back with you duty-free. As you walk around the shops you will see various wooden kitchenware from bowls, spoons, slate carvings of masks, different animals that can make great decorations for a centerpiece or hang on your wall. 

Going off the beaten path to shop with the locals I found a little shop and the owner had all his artistic carvings out on the shelves for viewing. The prices were reasonable prices bettered than what you would get from the shopkeepers inside the mall area. 

Belize is a poor country so shopping with the locals buying directly from them helps them to survive and support their families. I picked up a lovely turtle carving bowl that can be used for anything. If you’re every cursing to Belize get off the boat and take a stroll off the beaten path and check out Collin Taylor’s shop and view his artistic designs. 

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